You have a heart attack when the blood flow through your coronary arteries is reduced or blocked to the heart and you need immeidate Heart attack management in bandlaguda

There is a blockage on the coronary artery because of fat or cholesterol deposits, otherwise known as plaque. Sometimes, the plaque ruptures and forms a clot, which hinders blood flow. Inadequate blood to the heart can damage the heart muscle ultimately, and you experience a heart attack.

Cardiologists prefer angioplasty immediately within a few hours after a heart attack to save life. It is a surgical procedure that opens the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. Angioplasty even provides relief from chest pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms of a heart attack.

The surgical procedure even emits the need for open heart surgery, which would require a longer time to recover. Angioplasty increases your survival rate more than medications in breaking blood clots in your coronary arteries.

For more details, consult Dr. Naresh Kumar Monigari, one of the Best interventional cardiologist in upparpally

Acute Heart attack management with Primary angioplasty