Coronary Artery disease Treatment in Bandlaguda

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a narrowing or blockage of your coronary arteries, which supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart. This occurs because of overtime build-up of plaque (including cholesterol) in these arteries limits how much blood can reach your heart muscle.

What are the symptoms?

There may be no symptoms of coronary artery disease for a long time. Plaque buildup takes many years, indeed decades. But as your arteries narrow, you may see mild symptoms. These symptoms mean your heart is pumping harder to supply oxygen-rich blood to your body.

Symptoms of chronic CAD include:
  1. Stable angina: This is one of the common symptom. Stable angina is temporary chest pain or discomfort that comes and goes in an expected pattern. You will usually notice during physical movement or emotional distress. It goes away once you rest or take nitroglycerin (medicine that treats angina).
  2. Shortness of breath (dyspnea): A few individuals experience shortness of breath during light physical activity.
Coronary Artery disease Treatment in Bandlaguda

CAD occurs when fatty plaque deposits build up within the arteries that supply blood to the heart.

  1. Underlying health conditions, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, and physical damage to arteries can lead to plaque build-up and lead to CAD. The condition has numerous other risk factors as well.
  2. The plaque deposits consist of cholesterol and other inflammatory products from cells. The build-up of plaque is known as atherosclerosis. Plaque deposits can limit the arteries over time, confining or stopping blood flow.
  3. If pieces of plaque break off or burst, platelets cluster within the area, forming a blood clot. Blood clots can block the artery and decrease or block blood flow. This may lead to a heart attack.


CAD has no remedy, but an individual can take steps to manage the condition by undergoing Coronary Artery Disease treatment in Bairagiguda

Treatment tends to include making lifestyle changes such as stopping smoking, adopting a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise. Doctors may prescribe medicines to prevent the progression of CAD.

However, a few individuals may have to be experience medical procedures.


Managing blood cholesterol levels can help in reducing the risk of CAD. To better regulate their blood cholesterol levels, individuals can consider:

  1. being more physically active
  2. limiting the intake of alcohol
  3. avoiding tobacco
  4. adopting a diet with less sugar, salt, and saturated fat

In addition to making any vital lifestyle changes, it is pivotal that an individual proceed to take all cholesterol and blood pressure medications that their specialist endorses.

For more details, consult Dr. Naresh Kumar Monigari, one of the Best heart doctors in Kismatpur