Palpitations evaluation is an integral part of prevention cardiology that focuses on identifying and addressing potential underlying cardiac issues that may lead to palpitations. Palpitations are sensations of abnormal or irregular heartbeats that can indicate of arrhythmias that needs a thorough diagnostic approach.
The assessment begins with a detailed clinical history, exploring the nature, frequency, and triggers of palpitations. Patient-reported symptoms and associated factors help the doctors to guide subsequent evaluations. Electrocardiography or ECG is a fundamental diagnostic tool to capture real-time cardiac rhythm while ambulatory monitoring, such as Holter monitoring, aids in detecting intermittent arrhythmias. Further investigations may include using echocardiography and stress testing to assess cardiac structure and function under different conditions. Laboratory tests like electrolyte levels and thyroid function are performed to identify potential metabolic contributors.
Risk factor diagnosis, encompassing lifestyle factors, medical history, and familial predispositions helps in formulating preventive strategies. Lifestyle modifications, medication or in some cases procedural interventions are customised based on the underlying cause.
If you notice any such symptoms, then Consult Dr. Naresh Kumar Monigari, one of the Best Heart doctors in bandlaguda at Aaradhya Clinics for diagnosis and treatment.